How to Thrive in Times of Uncertainty - with Anna Mathur

November 30, 2020

Living in these uncertain times, it's important that we look after ourselves emotionally and mentally. A huge part of looking after your mental wellbeing is having an awareness of your emotions and understanding the reasons why we feel the way we do. So, as part of our focus on wellbeing, psychotherapist Anna Mathur took the time to talk to us on Instagram about how to thrive in times of uncertainty.

“We all have anxiety. Anxiety is a normal human state of being alive. It’s actually something that is there to save your life… when you begin to worry, your body is looking for a way to react.
            In times of uncertainty, there’s understandably this increased fear and increased worry and anxiety. That is a very life saving part of your brain, it’s just gone a bit haywire.”

In the video, Anna offers insightful knowledge about why we feel certain ways, how we can try to deal with those emotions, and advice on how to deal with anxiety. She also talks honestly about her personal experiences and offers her top tips for how to not just survive, but thrive!

“I will cross that bridge, if I get to it.”

Whether you’re feeling like things are tough right now and you could use a few words of advice and encouragement – or even if you feel like you’re on top of things, take a little bit of time out of your day (no longer than an episode of your favourite TV programme), find a quiet space, and enjoy Anna Mathur’s words of advice. We cannot recommend it enough.

“This is a hard time, you’re finding it hard because it is hard… You’re struggling with the uncertainty because you’re human and we thrive on routine and predictability.
            So be kind to yourself, don’t expect yourself to respond to things in a way that you might normally.”
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