Eco-Friendly Gift Wrap Guide

October 29, 2023
Blue gift boxes of knitwear, nightwear and socks, decorated with fabric ribbons, beneath a Christmas tree.

We like to add a little extra sparkle at Christmas to make your gift giving even more special. Discover how to gift wrap in a more responsible way this Christmas - from reusing our hand-designed paper shopping bags to adding a finishing touch with DIY origami snowflakes, we have all the inspiration you need for perfectly packaged presents...

Origami Snowflakes

Add a festive flourish to your prezzies with a DIY origami snowflake. Simply follow the steps below:

  1. Cut the origami grid section out of the bag.
  2. Fold the paper in half diagonally to create a triangle.
  3. Spin the triangle so the snowflake template is on the reverse side.
  4. Fold the left section diagonally up to the right along the crease labelled.
  5. Next repeat by folding the right section up to the left along the crease labelled.
  6. The snowflake cutting guide will now be on the front.
  7. Fold at the center keeping the snowflake cutting guide to the front. Following this cut along the guide - the dotted line.
  8. Finally open to reveal your beautiful snowflake decoration.

Not Just a Pretty Bag

This Christmas, forgo the non-recyclable paper and wrap your thoughtful gifts in a mindful way using our paper bags! Once you’ve bought your goodies in one of our stores, bring your bags home and follow the easy steps below.

  1. Cut along the dotted lines of the bag.
  2. Cut out the tag (from the top section) and place to one side.
  3. Cut along the seam of the bag to open out the sheet.
  4. Wrap and seal your gift with tape and tie using your choice of ribbon.
  5. Write your tag and pop it under the ribbon.
Gifts wrapped in recyclable snowflake-printed paper bags from FatFace, and tied with ribbons.

Recycle & Reuse

Most Christmas and birthday wrapping papers can’t be recycled due to inks, glitter and lamination they use. Our paper bags and paper wrapping sheets are made from recycled paper and can be thrown away with your normal recycling.

The Personal Touch

Personalize your pressies with our easy step-by-step expert guide from The Modern Calligraphy Co. and add your own special message to your presents.

A gift wrapped in recyclable star-printed paper, with the recipient's name written in decorative calligraphy.

We’d love to see your gift wrapping ideas and inspiration too! Share them with us by tagging @fatfaceusa on Instagram.

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